Of course you have, and let’s face is, what trucker hasn’t?
But even though it’s a pain in the tail, you still need to be keeping the proper records. And yes, it’s easy just to toss your old receipts on the dash and let them dance around the cab of your truck every time you open the window.
But is that really the best practice for keeping proper records? And with so many trucking regulations, what exactly do you even need to keep records for?
Recordkeeping Tips
Keeping records as a truck driver can be complicated, but we’re about to simplify it. Here’s what you need to do:
There are a lot of records that must be kept as a truck driver or owner-operator and keeping them can be quite a hassle. If you’re tired of dealing with this hassle all by yourself, then we’ve got good news for you. TruckLogics let’s you track your mileage using ProMiles, upload pictures of fuel receipts into your TruckLogics account for safe keeping, and even use that information to complete quarterly IFTA filings. Sound convenient? That’s because it is.
And if you have any other questions about what records you need to keep, just give out trucking experts at TSNAmerica a call at 803.386.0320 and we’ll help you out. And did we mention that we can also help you with your BOC-3, IFTA, and 2290 filing? Yup, we do that too. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call!
- Keep record of all of your fuel purchases. So that means the amount, type of fuel purchased, name and address of where it was purchased, cost per gallon, total sale amount, and the original receipt.
- Keep track of the total distance you have driven, including your mileage driven in each jurisdiction, the routes you drove, and any out-of-route mileage.
- Keep truck maintenance records and service records so that you know when your truck needs to be serviced. After all, you do want your truck to last for as long as possible, right?
- Be sure to keep track of your logbook accurately, because a messy, unorganized logbook can spell disaster for an independent trucker. It is required that truckers keep a logbook that tracks their location and the time spent both on and off duty. Hey, we don’t have to deal with e-logs yet, so we might as well enjoy the logbooks until then.
- Keep track of other job-related expenses. In addition to fuel receipts, there are many other miscellaneous expenses incurred by truckers. Like CAT scale charges, meals, lodging, or anything else that you expect to be reimbursed for.
- Hold on to your stamped Schedule 1, as it is required to be kept in your truck at all times. If you need help getting one, you can get one in 10 minutes or less at ExpressTruckTax.
There are a lot of records that must be kept as a truck driver or owner-operator and keeping them can be quite a hassle. If you’re tired of dealing with this hassle all by yourself, then we’ve got good news for you. TruckLogics let’s you track your mileage using ProMiles, upload pictures of fuel receipts into your TruckLogics account for safe keeping, and even use that information to complete quarterly IFTA filings. Sound convenient? That’s because it is.
And if you have any other questions about what records you need to keep, just give out trucking experts at TSNAmerica a call at 803.386.0320 and we’ll help you out. And did we mention that we can also help you with your BOC-3, IFTA, and 2290 filing? Yup, we do that too. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call!