
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Non-Taxable or Exempt IFTA Miles

At Truck Services of North America, we get many questions about what IFTA miles are non-taxable and/or exempt?  Here’s some guidance:
  • Fuel trip permit miles are not taxable miles in any jurisdiction. Include fuel permit miles in the total miles section on the return but do not include them in the taxable miles for the jurisdiction that issued the permit. Toll miles are taxable miles; toll fees are not fuel taxes. They are fees in exchange for the opportunity to use a toll road.
  • Exempted Miles will be shown while you are filing for your company's IFTA, but it will not be shows in the actual IFTA form that you will submit for your tax purpose.
On the IFTA Return; you will see the total miles and the total taxable miles which will include the calculation of the exempted miles.

It is your responsibility to contact jurisdictions, individually, to determine exempt miles. It is also your responsibility to maintain records of exemptions for future review.

As a premier processing agency, Truck Services of North America can assist with your IFTA Taxes.  TSNA takes the paperwork out of your way. Check out all our services at and fill out the Service Request Form, email us at or call 803.386.0320.

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