HVUT is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1.
The damage to the road surface caused by heavy trucks is 160,000 times more than that of a car, according to the findings of the American Association of State Highways Official (AASHO) road test. The tax, which is based on the vehicle weight, is a significant source of transportation funding in the US. The HVUT ensures that operators of heavy trucks pay a little more for the highway network relative to the motorists than the light trucks who meet their responsibility through other forms of taxes (e.g., registration fees, motor fuel taxes) but do less damage to the system. The monies collected are used to help pay for road repairs and maintenance.
The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File. Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is encouraged to do so.
On the road or don’t want to deal with computers? No problem, as a premier processing agency, Truck Services of North America can file your Form 2290 Heavy Highway Use Tax for you. TSNA takes the paperwork out of your way. Check out all our services at TSNAmerica.com and fill out the Service Request Form, email us at support@TSNAmerica.com or call 803.386.0320.
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