
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Trucking Nation

First and foremost, we at Truck Services of North America would like to wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! We know a lot of you are still on the road working this holiday season, but we’d just like to take a second and let you all know that we appreciate you and what you do. Without you truckers, this Thanksgiving wouldn’t be possible, so thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication, and for keeping America running.

Thank A Trucker This Thanksgiving

Yes, we know—you are a trucker. But that’s why we’re thanking you! We know all the long hours and hard work you do just to make this holiday possible. Because let’s face it, without you, we wouldn’t have the delicious turkey on the table, the stuffing, the apple pie, and heck, we wouldn’t even have the table itself. So thanks for working hard to make sure all of us are able to celebrate this joyous occasion with a delicious meal and those most dear to our hearts.

Thanksgiving Support

But now to the real meat of the blog. We’ll be offering Thanksgiving support! We’ll be out of the office on Thursday November 26 and Friday November 27, but we’ll be providing email support at all holiday weekend. If you need anything at all give us a shout! 

So remember folks, even though it’s Thanksgiving weekend, if you need some help with your UCR registration, 2290, or anything else trucking related, we’ll be happy to help you out. Enjoy your thanksgiving, and a special thanks for all that you do, Trucking Nation!

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